United for Mother Earth

Small Actions Matter

Participate in a collective journey towards a sustainable Mother Earth.

We believe that effective change is most likely to come from the roots, rather than from the top, ordinary people offering do-able contributions, be it in the regeneration of the land, be it in contributing financially.

We believe in the power of “we” versus a top-down model. When we join forces, we can take a stand for our Mother Earth and have an impact. It is easy to disregard small actions, however many people contributing in do-able ways can bring real results.

Consider donating as you can monthly and joining us by becoming a steward of Mother Earth.

Small Actions Matter

Our Bank Account

IBAN CH52 0078 1628 5736 7200 0
St.Galler Kantonalbank AG
Bahnhofstrasse 34
9471 Buchs

We are a registered Swiss Foundation with number CHE267.533.733.

If you are a US-based donor you can make tax-deductible contributions through our American Fund. Please contact us at support@treesandcircles.org for more information.

If you are a Europe-based donor you may be able to make tax-deductible contributions through the Transnational Giving Network. Please contact us at support@treesandcircles.org for more information.

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