Our Approach
We collaborate with local and indigenous women-lead non-profit organizations who share our values and whose purpose it is to support the wellbeing of the Mother Earth at a local scale.
An Integral Approach to Climate Action
At its core, we see the current climate crisis as a spiritual crisis, stemming from a false sense of separation from nature and each other. The predominant patriarchal mindset favors material growth, extractivism, the objectification of nature and people, individuals as consumers, power over, and the abuse of minorities and women.
Through our activities, from fundraising to working with local communities to support their land and wellbeing, we also aim to contribute to a shift of consciousness, especially in developed countries. As a species, we are called to reconnect with and feel our deep relationship and interdependence with nature, so that we can realize the necessity to respect and value Mother Earth and all species. We envision a future where all of life is respected and honored, and where we as individuals find ways to contribute towards the wellbeing of others.
When we hear the cry of Mother Earth we feel called to find meaning in service, to nourish our relationships, to respect and honor cultural differences, and to co-create a world where all can thrive, including and especially nature.
In addition to supporting and funding women led grassroots projects, we also aim to provide healing spaces, such as trauma healing for the women in the local communities, as well as transformative and nature-based experiences for our extended network.
United for Mother Earth
Healing Nature, Women and Souls
1. Our Vision
Our vision is to contribute to systemic change via supporting specific projects and communities. The projects shall bear an environmental and social sustainability long term view, while also contributing short term gains for the communities. Instrumental to this vision, the projects are to address needs identified by the communities, have them as the main actors, and follow an implementation that leverages the local wisdom, knowledge, culture and traditions.
2. Our Focus
We support initiatives in the areas of eco-systems and biodiversity protection and restoration, climate change mitigation, nature rights defense, women empowerment, poverty reduction, and the promotion of health, wellbeing and education. Our main field of action is the Global South, however we are also willing to support small grassroot projects in Switzerland, Europe and other regions.
3. Our Impact
We value bottom-up participatory processes, where communities are truly heard and are fully engaged in the implementation process, and women have key roles. Our partner organizations oversee and monitor the projects on the ground. We contribute with funds, networking opportunities, the support of an international community, and we collaborate in overcoming the challenges faced. This collaborative multistakeholder approach, allows us to achieve greater impact efficiently.
4. Our Long-Term View
At the basis of our approach is the building of relationships with all parties involved. We strive to build long lasting trust-based relationships, where we take the time to get to know our partner organizations, the indigenous and local communities and their particular realities, and to listen and learn from them.